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Let the Bible Be Your Primary Source of Spiritual Nourishment

Hello from the IF:Gathering here in Austin, TX. What an honor to spend time with so many Christian women leaders of similar heart. This global gathering of women not only includes the 2500 attendees here in Austin (tickets sold out in four minutes!) but over 2000 IF:Local groups all across the U.S. and around the world. It’s estimated that 500,000 people viewed the event last year. God is raising up an army of courageous women to link arms and live for the glory of God and the good of others.

Part of my contribution will be on stage Saturday morning with Margaret Feinberg, Rebekah Lyons and Esther Havens as we dive into John 15. Time will be limited so I thought I’d expand a bit on the four color clicky pen method of reading the Bible here. I’m also taping IF:Equip videos with Jeanne Stevens and wanted to include the part from 2 Timothy 3:16 about Scripture in this post.

I usually have my Muji pen for journalling (seriously, such a great pen from Japan), a meaningful Starbucks gift card for underlying, and my four color clicky pen. What I like about using the four color pen is how it helps me read with intention. It’s like mining for gold or precious jewels. As I read I am asking, “What does this passage teach me about God? What do I learn about His character, His heart, His ways, what He loves, etc.”

Underline in GREEN: anything you learn about God’s character, I also underline prayers in the Bible like Col 1:9-12 and I box names of God in green (e.g. Father, LORD, Shepherd, King, Living Water, etc.)

Underline in BLUE: anything that is our part–things we are to know or do

Underline in BLACK: consequences of sin

Underline in RED: promises of God and any other extra special verses

Sometimes I combine colors, sometimes I circle repeated words. My encouragement is to become familiar with and make your Bible your own.

2 Timothy 3:16 reads, “All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness.”

  • teaching=to know
  • reproof=to stop
  • correction=to change
  • training in righteousness=to do

Hope you find this helpful as you study God’s word. We are blessed to have countless resources, the internet, and wonderful devotionals, but remember nothing replaces the written Word of God. If you have never read through the entire Bible, I encourage you to set a goal to read it through. Begin in the gospel of John.

Let the Word of God be your primary source of spiritual nourishment.

** You can view IF:Gathering 2016 for free online through midnight Monday, February 8th.