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New Website!!

Hello! I'm back! The last several months I've been in total book writing cave lock down mode. Darrin bought me a reindeer fuzzy hat from Daiso (a Japanese version of the Dollar Store but INFINITELY better). I wore the hat and my WaterBrook blue MAC lipstick most days. Actually the real name of the lipstick color is Blue Bang! With the exclamation point! After standing in line for over an hour on #nationallipstickday all that remained was blue. Ever the eternal optimist I decided on the spot the lipstick would become my power writing color. Guess it worked!

Happy to report the manuscript, all 50,342 words, got MacBook Air send button "whooshed" to my editor at WaterBrook. And NOW the calendar year 2018 is finally beginning for me. 

So to start off. JUST LOOK AT THIS WEBSITE!! My friend and fellow Cru staff, Kenny Wong, designed the site, took my headshot photos, put together the video banner. All. The. Bells. And. Whistles. I don't even know half the amazing yet! Kenny is trying to help me learn. Anyway, now I am excited to jump back into blogging a bit. 

Headed to Austin next week to speak at IF:Gathering. Let me know if you'll be tuning in live stream or in Austin "in human." (What preschool aged daughter Julia used to say instead of "in person"---and she's turning 16 in two weeks!). If you're in Austin I'd love to meet you and give you a hug! Over 2300 IF:Locals are happening all around the country and several countries around the world, including RWANDA! You can watch for free. Grab some friends, some snacks and go over to IF:Gathering to sign up.

WaterBrook will be hosting a pre conference event. Details below:

FRIDAY, FEB 9th: Speaker Meet and Greet and Book Giveaway, Hosted by WaterBrook & Multnomah 3pm-4:30pm in 3TEN. Speakers/Authors who will be there include: Jennie Allen, Jo Saxton, Tasha Morrison, Vivian Mabuni, Katie Davis Majors, and Jessica Honegger..