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Literary Agent! Time for Celebration!

Huge, huge, HUGE part of this writing adventure has come together way beyond what I ever pictured or imagined. With a still shocked and humbled, grateful heart I share with you today this incredible news:

I’m being represented by the Steve Laube Agency.

This writing journey has me on a steep learning curve. New publishing terms I still use incorrectly and conversations with brilliant people who use big words I need to look up in the privacy of my own home. Yeah, I usually just go along with the conversation, smiling, laughing, but inside I’m thinking,

“Based on the context, the word probably means something positive. Smiling and nodding would probably be appropriate. Shoot. I hope I’m not wrong.”

So, the truth of the matter is I feel way in over my head. I don’t mind, most of the time, because this familiar feeling of helplessness reminds me again and again I’m not in control and this writing gig is for God, from God, with God and all about God.

And God has been incredibly good to me. Blessing me immensely. Blessing me in ways I didn’t know until later the extent of the hugeness of those blessings.

I went to the Mount Hermon Writers Conference with hopes of learning more about writing and perhaps meeting with a few agents since my book proposal was moving through the review process and I knew I needed help.

Thankfully I wasn’t aware of the “Oh-my-goodness-you’re-meeting-Steve-Laube!!” factor when I sat down to talk with him the first night. I felt pretty relaxed, tried to be open to his feedback about my proposal, I was encouraged by his heart for God. I knew he was an agent and the President of his literary agency, but not much more beyond that. When I returned to my cabin after the 15 minute meeting turned to an hour and a half and shared with my roommates what happened, I started to clue in. They were both beyond thrilled for me. I connected with my Redbud Writers cohort over Facebook. Overwhelming positive response about the Steve Laube agency from these women in the publishing industry who knew the publishing world. Women I respected and trusted telling me, this is a big deal.

I met with Karen the next day. We sat outside on a rain-soaked bench and it was cold. I was shaking, but it wasn’t from the cold. She asked to see my book proposal. I took it out and she read through it. She commented, “hmmmed” in the right places and looked at me in the eyes and said, “You can write.” Shaking, cold, surprised, a little teary, I responded, “Really?”

Karen, like Steve, has worked in the publishing industry 30 plus years in every facet of the publishing process. They are both highly respected by editors and publishing houses, agents and authors. One of the books I’m reading during my quiet times is by Ruth Haley Barton. She is represented by Steve. What!!??? Karen is a published author and an editor. I need mentoring in the area of writing and Karen will be able to help me be a better writer.

I continued to meet agents and authors and wonderful people throughout the rest of the conference, but pulled away to sit by a stream to process with the Lord one afternoon. Karen happened to walk up the path. She smiled and said, “I was praying for you last night.”

Her prayers, fun-loving spirit, reputation, mentoring heart, experience and the fact she posted on her Facebook Editor page a picture of Maxwell the wee little piggy weeks before my wee little piggy post sealed the deal. I look forward to working with Karen and Steve in the coming months and years.

Yesterday I was on the Steve Laube Agency website because it’s full of so much great information about writing. I clicked on the “authors we represent” tab, and gasped. My heart started pounding. My name was listed among an incredible line up of authors.

Prayers, please, for next steps. And praises for God’s blessings and answers to prayer. Thanks for being along for this wild ride.