


Receive the Missing Max Chapter


It’s been quiet over here on the website. Quite the opposite of life over here in my little corner of the planet. Have decided to go off grid for the remainder of the year. Needing time to reflect and decompress. My soul craves quiet on the inside and outside.

But before I bid you adieu I wanted to “gift” you with the “Missing Max Chapter” that was cut from the final “Warrior In Pink” manuscript. My little Christmas gift to you. Simply subscribe to receive email posts in the little box over there on the left. You will need to confirm the subscription when the email arrives in you inbox.

I won’t be mailing out the chapter until the end of January. And I promise I won’t sell the list or use it except to announce important events or opportunities.

Hope you enjoy the extended version.

May your Christmas and New Year be filled with meaning. And may God give you eyes to see all the blessings in your life beyond the material.

much love,
