


Asking For What I Need And Want

Just a quick pop onto the blog. A quick request for prayer. Realized today I still have difficulty asking for what I need and want. Pride and shame keep me from receiving help and from asking. So here I am seeking to bust through my resistance.

Would you please pray for Darrin and me in the coming days…

  • we will be speaking at the University of Hawaii Cru/Epic Fall retreat this weekend
  • significant, life trajectory changing decisions are made at fall retreats
  • pray for: spiritual protection over our marriage and family and the students and staff, open hearts, God’s Spirit to move, surrendered hearts and lives, insight, favor, provision, peace…

I firmly believe one day in heaven God will allow our eyes to see how and when our prayers made a difference. The real work is done in dependence, in listening, inquiring, bringing our prayers before the Throne of Grace.

Thank you for praying.

Thank you for helping be a part of changing the world.